This morning I read a deeply disturbing article I found here about the continued damage created by the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. It seems to confirm some of the fears I've had since the disaster occurred, that I'd tried pushed to the back of my mind. But as illnesses and environmental allergies seem to become more frequent and intensify all around me, I haven't been able to help but wonder if it's due to the devastating effects of this horrendous man-made disaster. And it seems my suspicions may be backed up by science. Even without that, you can't help but notice how much more intense the air pollution has become in just the past year. You can definitely see a dark haze covering the entire valley, as you drive down from the mountain. Heck, coming back up our mountain, you can see it lighten, but the haze is definitely still there. It's deeply depressing, and I can only wonder if and how our species and the rest of the planet will successfully recover from this catastrophe. The only thing I can really say with certainty is, I'm going to try and appreciate this life as much as I can, and experience just as much of it as is humanly possible before it's gone. As well as try and contribute as much good as I can to the physical and spiritual environment in my time here. Our existence on this planet may have an expiration date, but I'm going to go out reveling in the beauty of this earth and it's creatures, massively flawed as some of them may be. A dip in the river is most definitely in order! I suggest you all go and appreciate the planet in whatever way you can today as well. It's the only one we have. Do your part to make it better today and every day.
With Love From,
~The Little Sustainable Homestead By The River
With Love From,
~The Little Sustainable Homestead By The River